Since the origin of Astronomi-con, the event has featured scenarios with movable objectives.   Coming up with a set of rules to cover how these objectives are manipulated over the course of a game is somewhat complex - which may be why we have not seen anything like this from the GW Design Studio.

Fear not, the Astronomi-con Organizers have gone to great lengths to put together an updated set of rules for objectives which can be captured and moved by models on the 40k battlefield. 


The rules are organized into two major sections.  The first section are general rules for how to handle mobile objectives, and the second section includes special additional rules for various types of mobile objectives.

Movable Objectives  - General Rules

Claiming – A Movable Objective can be claimed by any non-vehicle model or Walker with a suitable ‘hand’ ending its movement phase in base contact with it.  A Movable Objective may also be claimed during a Sweeping Advance by ending their movement in base contact with it. Once claimed, the Movable Objective remains in base contact with the model as it moves.   Only one Movable Objective can be carried by a single model.   Only the model carrying the Movable Objective may be in base contact with it.

Movement – Models carrying a Movable Objective cannot run or fire any weapons and if they move more than 6” must take a Dangerous Terrain Test.  The exceptions are Monstrous Creatures, Flying Monstrous Creatures, Walkers and Transports.  Bikes or Jetbikes carrying a Movable Objective cannot Turbo Boost.  If a model is removed as a casualty while carrying a Movable Objective, it remains where it is and becomes unclaimed.

Transports – When a unit carrying one of more Mobile Objectives embarks into a transport, the transport itself becomes the carrier of the Movable Objective(s).  Each Movable Objective counts as taking up one additional model worth of transport capacity while in a transport vehicle.    If a transport carrying Movable Objectives is wrecked or explodes, all Movable Objectives are lost and can no longer be claimed.  Transport vehicles carrying a Movable Objective may fire their weapons normally.  When a transported unit disembarks it may leave Mobile Objectives in the transport or a model from the unit may claim it as they disembark and carry it.    

Handing-off – Movable Objectives can be handed-off to another suitable model providing both models are in base contact at the end of the movement phase.  Place the Movable Objective in base contact with the new claiming model.  Movable Objectives can also be handed-off into an empty transport vehicle provided that the carrying model is in base contact with one of the vehicle’s access points.  Handing-off can only occur once each phase.

Dropping – Normally, Movable Objectives can be dropped at either the start or end of the movement phase and are placed within 1” of the model that was carrying it and not in base contact with another model and it becomes unclaimed.  They may also be dropped during the Assault Phase as detailed below.   If a model carrying a Movable Objective is forced to fall-back, it drops it immediately before the move is made.

Charging – If a unit with a Movable Objective declares a charge, the model carrying it drops it immediately.  If a unit with a Movable Objective has a charge declared against them, the model carrying it may choose to drop it prior to resolving Overwatch or hold on to it and forego its Overwatch fire.    If the charge is successful it is immediately dropped and combat ensues.  Transport vehicles carrying a Movable Objective are unaffected by charges.
Movable Objectives  - Types

– May be claimed by a single model, but an additional model is required to move these objectives.  Models carrying a Cumbersome Objective count as moving within difficult terrain. Monstrous Creatures and Walkers with a suitable hand are the exception to these restrictions.  Cumbersome Objectives count as Bulky models when being transported.

Compact – May be claimed by a single model.  Compact objectives take no additional space in a transport, and models carrying a compact objective suffer no additional penalties for movement, shooting, or assaulting.

Fragile – These objectives cannot be moved more than 6” each turn. 

Unstable – The first time a model moves to claim this objective, roll a D6.  On a 1, the objective explodes!  Place a 5” template centred on the objective and all models touched suffer a S7 AP4 hit.  The objective is then removed from play.  If the objective did not explode, then the model claims it as normal.  Unstable objectives are only checked once.

Damaged – At the end of the game, roll for each Objective you have in your possession.  On a roll of 1, the objective has been damaged and is worthless.  The Objective is destroyed!

Vital – At the end of the game, roll for each Objective you have in your possession.  On a roll of 6, the objective is vital and is worth two normal objectives!


The types listed above can also be combined for more interesting scenario design.  With a significant number of Astronomi-con scenarios which use mobile objectives, having a comprehensive set of rules for how such objectives are handled is something we felt was important to revisit.

Mobile Objectives - Good to go!
James Chen
8/12/2012 05:37:07 pm

Just to be clear....walkers and monstrous creatures may still fire weapons while carrying mobile objectives?


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